Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Week 2

HAPPY ALMOST THANKSGIVING! I hope you guys eat a ton of food and especially rolls in my honor. So, I have just finished my second week here at the CTM. Time goes by slow, yet so fast at the same time. Speaking of fast the minutes are already ticking aways so this will be a real fast letter.


So last week I got sick. So weird for me right? I tried to tough it out because it was just a foggy head, runny nose and a cough. But eventually I caved and tried to see the CTM doctor but he had pday so he was not available. The night before was so bad for my sickness that I didn't get any sleep and working all day literally was beyond exhausting. So the night that I didn't get into the doctor, I took a little white pill from my Brazilian roomate. I don't really know what it was. Sorry Parents  I know you would strongly advise against this, but it put me right to sleep. Since then I feel like I have been getting better and I did see the actual doctor and he gave me the grossest medicine I have ever had in my life. I do have a confession though, I sleep on the top bunk, super hard to quickly get up and down from and the other night I woke up coughing and I realized it might be more than just coughins so as I was trying to get down from my bed I vomitted all over my blanket and shirt and my hands. Too much information probably... So moving on- Weather. I was expecting the weather here to be super hot and unbearable. But, it's not. It has actually rained pretty regularly and the weather is quite comfortable. I am quite a bit south of Brasilia though, I think. The AC in the CTM is also way too high most of the time, so I kind of wish I had brought more cardigans. But, it's all good. Life in general at the CTM is pretty solid, especially for sister missionaries. We are always first in line even if we show up late. We also always get to sit in front in class and at conferences and devotionals. Last week we heard from elder Costa the area 70. It was a really great talk on missionary work. My favorite quote was "Don't miss a day of your mission" though. Church on Sundays is cool except for the fact that they don't tell you if you are speaking until they announce it at the pulpit. I got the priviledge/honor of doing so this last Sunday. It went well though. Luckily, I got to speak in English. I was definitely not surprised being called either. My money was on either me or my companion sister Timario since we are the only girls in the branch. My Portuguese is still a work in progress. I am really struggly to say the words with correct pronunciation. I read them like English words. I just can't help it!


Okay, I know this is short but this is all for now... I love you all,

                                                                                            Sister Hoopes =)


PS A kid who left a little bit before me from my Highland ward was in the same branch I am in here. He just left this last week for his area though.... so that was short lived. Heber may be particularly interested to know this- his name is Miles Jewell.

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